One Below All Explained: Marvel's Second Most Powerful Being!
Hello and welcome everyone. At this point, we are well aware of One Above All, who is the supreme being of Marvelβs Omniverse. But recently Marvel introduced his counterpart called the One Below All, who is supposed to be the second most powerful being. But whatβs more interesting about One Below All is that he doesnβt just sit in the shadows but rather he is the source of all Gamma radiation and he is the one who makes Hulk Immortal.
So, One Below All is a malevolent entity that resides in the Below Place, which is its own dimension. The Below-Place is the source of the mutagenic third form of gamma energy, which is an emanation of the One-Below All, and he thereby is capable of using gamma mutates to manifest himself.
The One Below All is a creature without a mind of its own, possessing only terrible desires. The ultimate goal of the One Below All is to destroy everything in the Multiverse and to become the one remaining presence in it.
Being a malevolent divine force of pure chaos, existing in the deepest recesses of existence. It is seemingly the dark reflection of creation, personifying the shadow of The One Above All and embodying the emptiness that is left in the absence of His divine light. Whereas The One Above All exists at the apex of all else in a state of indivisible endlessness and unity, represented by Kether, the Crown of the Tree of Life, The One Below All exists beneath all of existence, the state wherein all dual dichotomies are split into chaotic and ever-fighting forces, unable to co-exist.
The One Below All managed to destroy the soul of Bruce Banner and possessed the body of the Hulk. It then went on to kill the likes of Franklin Richards, Galactus, Mister Immortal, and many others, thus becoming the only being left in the universe. When the Sentience of the Eight Cosmos came to greet what he thought was Bruce Banner, he soon discovered that it was an elaborate trick and the One Below All-possessed Hulk then quickly devoured the being and absorbed its power.
These include Beyond Dimensional Existence, Nonexistent Physiology, Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Immortality, Abstract Existence, Madness Manipulation, Corruption, Soul Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation as it is the primary source of gamma radiation across all of existence. Along with Cosmic Awareness, Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation.
The One Below All reportedly killed both Galactus and Franklin Richards, before effortlessly overpowering and devouring Metatron, the Sentience of the Eighth Multiverse, at the end of time, absorbing his essence and power unto its own and becoming vastly more powerful as the Breaker of Worlds.
One below All owns various hosts and vessels through which it acts from the Below Place, with the body of Bruce Banner being the most recent of them and the one the entity most prominently uses as of the end of time.
Now as powerful as he is. He has a weakness too. That is One Below All Remains imprisoned within the Below Place and necessitates host bodies and "souls" to directly act in the physical world.
And with that, we will bring this article to an end. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
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