Gorr The God Butcher Explained: Thor Love And Thunder Villain | Powers And Origin

Marvel has given us quite a few details about the upcoming Thor 4 movie. We are all set to see more than one Thor villain makes his and her MCU debut in Thor Love and Thunder. In this article, we are going to discuss one of the villains of the upcoming Thor 4 movie. Gorr The God Butcher So, without further ado let's break down Gorr the God Butcher? And we will try to answer some questions like what are his power levels and what the hell he wants from Thor?

The movie will hit theatres on 6th May 2022. We already know that we are going to get two Thors in the movie. Other than Thor Odinson, Jane Foster too will be wielding the Mjolnir as she is now the new mighty Thor. Apart from two Thors, Valkyrie is also confirmed to play a major role in the movie. So, we need villains of such incredible caliber, who can challenge this team of two Thors and a Valkyrie. And who else can be a better choice than Gorr the God Butcher and The Enchantress? Both of them are too powerful in their own right to challenge the Asgardians. Gorr the God Butcher is infamous for instilling dreadful fears in the minds of Gods.
He is one of the most formidable opponents that Thor has ever faced. It took three Thors one from the present, the other from the future, and the third from the past to defeat the God Butcher.

Gorr is a very interesting and intriguing character with an original background story of his own. He lived on an unnamed planet in some obscure part of the Universe. The planet faced frequent droughts and people living in an extremely challenging environment. But one thing that they all shared in common was their unwavering belief in the Gods. Gorr's people were deeply religious beings who prayed day and night to their Gods to save them from misery and pain. But hardly any help ever came. Gorr lost his wife and two children, this loss made him lose all faith in God. He now no longer believed that Gods were real. But this atheism of his didn't last long as once strolling through the desserts he found two Gods battling who had just fallen from the sky.

One of these gods was carrying the All-BlackNecrosword. This All-Black Necrosword is actually a symbiote like Venom and Carnage that bonds with the host and gives them some incredible powers like superhuman speed, strength, durability, and superhuman reflexes, and healing abilities. It also bestows the power to manipulate dark energy and a slew of other superpowers. The All-Black is the first symbiote in the history of symbiotes. It was created with the primary goal of killing the powerful beings of the Marvel Universe like the Celestials, Cosmic entities, and the Gods. And the All-Black has successfully done so on multiple occasions. Gorr doesn't possess any powers of his own. But it is the All Black Necrosword that makes him the all-powerful God Butcher. Ever since he bonded with this symbiote. He has been on a rampage through the cosmos killings and torturing various Gods. He later says that he has even tortured the God of Torture. How badass is that! But after years of killings, Gorr decided to build a Godbomb that could kill every god that ever had and ever would exist across the Multiverse.

Let that sink in for a minute. A bomb is so powerful that it won't just kill all the Gods of this Universe but also all the Gods of the past and the future. Perhaps the most powerful bomb that has ever been created in the history of comics.

Gorr was making his master bomb sometime in the distant future. He had enslaved many pantheons of Gods who were building this Bomb for him like some divine slaves. You can imagine the terror of Gorr. He had forced Gods to make the ultimate weapon that would eventually kill them all. Gorr had acquired the ability to travel in time after defeating one of the Time Gods. Gorr was nigh unstoppable thanks to all the powers that he had acquired over the years by killing thousands of Gods. So to stop Gorr, Old King Thor of the future brings along the past and the present Thor. The final fight takes place in the future. Where all the Gods who were working for Gorr pray and channel their powers to Thor who believes it or not actually absorbs the explosion of Godbomb and also the All Black symbiote. Thor then uses the power of All-Black to defeat Gorr The God Butcher and kill him once and for all. After all, is said and done and the Gods are saved from the tyranny of Gorr.

The All-Black is thrown away into a Black Hole. Since it was a weapon of unfathomable power
with the potential to wipe out multiple Universes. But later on, we find that the All-Black makes a comeback after killing the Black Hole in which it was thrown into. And since then All Black has made quite a few appearances and it has even bonded with Galactus transforming him into the World Butcher. It remains to be seen if we will see a symbiote make an appearance in the MCU. But All-Black Symbiote was a very crucial and integral part of Gorr The God Butcher storyline. If it wasn't for the All-Black Necrosword Gorr would have never turned into the God Butcher. So, let's hope that Marvel does Gorr some justice and we would hopefully see the All-Black in Thor Love And Thunder alongside Gorr. If All-Black is not presented as a symbiote in Thor 4. Then it might be featured as an archaic powerful weapon with very similar properties to All-Black of the comics.

Let me know in the comments, how do you think will the concept All-Black and Gorr the God Butcher turn out in the MCU? With that, we will bring this article to an end.


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