Loki's Powers Explained: How Powerful Is God Of Mischief?

Hello and welcome Everybody. We all are well aware that Loki is the god of mischief and over the years we have witnessed his many maleficent plans and plots. In this article, we are going to discuss his power and some of the truly crazy things he has done in the comics.

Loki is one of our favorite Villains in the MCU. His first MCU  appearance was in the first Thor movie. And he was the reason why Avengers assembled for the very first time in 2012We have also seen the soft side of Loki in the MCU in Thor Ragnarok where he was in a supporting role but had a great impact. And finally, in Avengers Infinity war we saw him meet his fate in the hands of Thanos. But as we all know at this point we haven’t seen the last of Loki in the MCU, as we are all set to get a Loki series on Disney plus.

Loki possesses strength, durability, and longevity far superior to any human. The most powerful sorcerer in all of Asgard, Loki's magical abilities include astral projection,shape-shifting, hypnosis, molecular rearrangement, energy blasts, levitating, cryokinesis, telekinesis, and teleportation.

Loki shares his biology with that of most Asgardians. Due to which Loki has advanced strength and durability related to highly dense muscle tissue and bone structure. This allows him to lift several tons, rip through thick steel doors, and survive strikes from Thor that would otherwise kill a mere Mortal. 

Loki often employs disguises or shapeshifts in order to take on a new identity. In comics, he has transformed himself into various creatures including a  Dragon. Loki is usually able to shift shapes at will and is able to return to his normal form but some transformations have proven to be more permanent than others like Lady Loki.

Loki is not technically an Asgardian by heritage and was only adopted to Odin’s family at a very early age. Loki is actually the son of King Lauffey, the leader of the frost giants of Jotunheim. And thus Loki is too a half frost giant. And he has at times turned into his Frost Giant form in which his skin takes on a bluish tint while his eyes burn a bloody red just like the rest of his icy brethren.

Dr. Doom once laced Lady Loki's meal with deadly toxins in order to confirm that he was truly dining with the godly trickster. Loki ate the rest of the meal delighted, and it's clear that it takes a whole lot more than mortal means to put down such a powerful force. There was one crazy time when Loki was found worthy of Mjolnir because of a spell that reversed the ideals of good and evil. 

Not only that he has even replaced Doctor Strange to be the Sorcerer Supreme albeit for a short time. It was after a magic tournament that decides the Sorcerer Supreme, the Vishanti declare that Loki is the new Sorcerer Supreme, leaving Doctor Strange almost powerless and working as a veterinarian. We all know that Thor is able to fly using his hammer to boost himself into the air, But Loki can do that just using his sorcery. His flying ability is not his prime means of getting around as he can directly use teleportation.

Loki has the ability to transfer his power to others for periods of time. He has created Absorbing Man, using a compound of rare Asgardian herbs to grant him the ability to absorb the powers of others, in the hopes that Loki could then use Absorbing Man to defeat Thor.
Like all Asgardians and Frost Giants, Loki has a measure of both superhuman speed and superhuman agility and reflexes. And we see him using that in the MCU when he catches one of Hawkeye’s arrows in mid-air… which is not quite like catching a bullet, but he could probably manage that too. Snatching an arrow casually out of mid-air is just impressive.

Loki also wields an Asgardian Weapon which is a magical truth sword called Gram. Gram gives Loki the ability to cut through the telepathic control that others are under, to allow someone to see their own corruption and escape it, and to pierce any lie. As such, it suits Loki, the God of deceit and tricks, to hold the sword of truth -- although, like Mjolnir, Gram can also be destroyedLoki is also a wielder of the Norn Stones, which are an Asgardian object that gives Loki extra magical abilities. This includes intangibility, the ability to throw magical power bolts, the ability to project real-life events to show them to others, and the ability to manipulate the world around him in various ways.

In Infinity War, we see Thor understand Groot, this mystical Asgardian ability is known as AllSpeak. It is the ability to be heard by any being in their native language and to understand any being in return.

Although Loki is a Frost Giant in the MCU, in the comics, his upbringing as an Asgardian and his time there gives him access to the ability as well -- however, we haven’t yet seen it in the movies. 

That’s it for now. If you find this article informative then don’t forget to follow. Let me know your favorite Loki power in the comments below. Thanks for reading and see you in the next video. 



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