Eternals vs Avengers: Who Wins? Most Powerful Superhero Team!

Hello and Welcome Everybody. With time MCU has grown from a one-Man army in the first Iron Man to literally a whole army of superheroes in Avengers Endgame. And with team Eternals joining the MCU. For the first time ever, we are going to have three groups of superheroes, which will definitely increase to four once X-Men are introduced in the MCU. 

Although we have already seen one Eternal in the MCU. And if you ask who, well Thanos was a part Eternal as he is the son of an Eternal. And Thanos wasn’t completely an Eternal. So that gives you an idea who powerful this team of Eternals is gonna be. 
So, today’s article is about who wins if Avengers were to go off against the Eternals. Which team is more powerful and more importantly which team can actually get the job done? So, let’s get into it.   
For this showdown. Here is the team that we are gonna choose. The Avengers will consist of Captain Marvel, Thor, Professor Hulk, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, and Spiderman. Note we are not including Captain America and Iron Man because they are no longer a part of MCU Avengers. Also, we are dropping Winter Soldier and Falcon because they aren’t powerful enough to be of any use in this battle.

And on the other side, on team Eternals, we have Ikaris, the leader of Team Eternals, Thena, Sersi, Ajak, and Gilgamesh. If you don’t know who these Eternals are then I have already done a video and the link will be in the description. So with teams finalized let’s get into the battle.
You guys at this point already have a good idea as to what our various members of Team Avengers can and can’t do.  So let me briefly tell you what the Team Eternals can do. After which you might they are basically invincible and there is no way they can ever be defeated. And you would be right to an extent. All the members of Team Eternals are blessed with Power Cosmic, the same power that is used by Galactus and is one of the most powerful sources of power in a Marvel Universe. 
The power cosmic allows the Eternals to shoot beams of energy that are the same if not more powerful than that of Captain Marvel. All these Eternals have god-like durability and it is almost impossible to injure them. Forget about killing. Only the Hulk is on their level when it comes to durability. 

So using the Stormbreaker to cut their heads off like Thor did to Thanos is not going to work. The Eternals are virtually immortal, immune to disease and aging, and invulnerable to injury Apart from that, all have superhuman strength and speed. However, their raw psychical strength is not as high as that of Thor’s and Hulk’s. Only the Eternal Gilgamesh can challenge these two Avengers when it comes to pure raw strength. So, most of the Eternals can’t defeat Thor and Hulk in a fair hand-to-hand fight without using their other exotic powers.

But what they lack in muscle strength, they make up for it in speed. All Eternals can teleport themselves and other beings with them. However, they don’t prefer to use it as they find it physically unpleasant. Talk about rich people’s problems. However, they are faster than any Avenger. And only Captain Marvel can even dare to match their speeds.

Along with their incredible speed, their hundreds of years in combat training give them a huge edge. Except for Sersi all members of the team Eternals are highly trained and have exceptional combat skills. Something that none of the Avengers can match not even Thor. Only Black Widow and Captain America could have matched their fighting skills but unfortunately for team Avengers, they are no longer part of the team. But that said having the worthy Captain America with Mjolnir on Avengers’ side could have greatly helped them fight these gods.


Why do I call them the Gods? Well, it because of their God-like powers that come with having power cosmic. They can’t use the Power cosmic same as Galactus who can pretty much do anything with it. But the Eternals too can do some impressive things that leave team Avengers trying not to die, forget about winning the fight.


As all members of the team Eternals manipulate matter and rearrange the molecules of an object, transforming one object into another. Something like what Thanos does with Reality stone. And the Eternal Sersi has mastered this power. So she can easily just convert all of Avengers Weapons and tech into bubbles.

The Team Eternals also possesses Telekinesis and If you saw what Ebony Maw did in Avengers Infinity War then you know exactly what I am talking about. So just imagine now a whole team of indestructible Ebony Maws that alone should be able to test the limit of Avengers.  But the powers of team Eternals don’t stop there. They can also create illusions and read the minds of people with weaker minds than their own. So Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel better lookout.

So, with all that laid out. I guess the question isn’t who will win? Because on paper the Team Eternals will completely destroy the team Avengers. They aren’t a match. It would be like that final scene from Wakanda Battle where Thanos just destroys the team Avengers. So, the question now Is can Team Avengers even defeat the Eternals. Well, they have the Sorcerer Supreme of their side. And with Scarlet Witch’s off-the-chart powers combined with the brute strength of Thor and Hulk. An unstoppable force of Captain Marvel. 
So, what do you think? How can team Avenger defeat the Eternals? Let me know in the comments and with that, we will bring this article to an end. See you in the next one.  


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