Black Knight Explained: Love Interest Of Eternal Sersi

Kit Harrington who played the iconic character of Jon Snow on Game Of Thrones is all set to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the Black Knight in the upcoming Eternals movie.

So, who is this character called Black Knight? What are his powers and how will he fit into the MCU? Today we are going to answer these questions. Black Knight has a fascinating story in the comics

He was originally a normal human being with no superpowers whatsoever. Just like most of the superheroes before they undergo some life-altering accident that luckily grants them a slew of new superpowers, for example, the radioactive spider bite in the case of Spider-Man or the gamma bomb in case of the Incredible Hulk.

The original name of Black Knight is actually Dane Whitman and he is an excellent swordsman and probably one of the best in the world. So, considering the fact that John Snow too was a master swordsman, Kit Harrington will find it easier to fit into the role of the Black Knight which is probably why Marvel has cast him as Dane Whitman in the first place. But just because Black Knight is all about swords doesn't mean he can't stand his ground in hand-to-hand combat.

Actually, for a fact, Black Knight is an excellent fighter in general and he has fought skilled fighters like Captain America and The Wolverine. So considering the fact that it already feels like Black Knight is a Medieval character which is further supported by the fact that he is also an expert Horseman. So the more I describe him the more he seemed like Jon Snow.  But then here is a major difference. Dane Whitman started out as a scientist and that too as a Physicist. And he is somewhat of an expert in many advanced technologies including genetic and mechanical engineering. And I bet you didn't see that coming. So, even though Black Knight is closely tied to the world of Magic he likes to approach things from a scientific perspective. He is also a capable leader and he has proved his leadership skills as a leader of both team Avengers and the Ultra-force. And we will get that to you in a minute. 

But here you might ask, how does he fit into the movie Eternals. Well, the answer to that is his close ties with the Eternal Sersi and as you might know, Sersi is going to be the lead character in the upcoming Eternals movie. To provide some context. Black Knight was not only a member of the team Avengers but also its leader in the absence of Captain America. And during this time he became romantically involved with his teammate the Eternal Sersi. But unfortunately, the relationship soon hit roadblocks as Sersi proved increasingly unstable due to the conspiracies plotted by a man called Proctor. Remember this name Proctor, he is going to be of much more significance just in a minute. Now since Sersi was losing her sanity Eternal Ikaris tried to stabilize her by mentally bonding her and Dane Whitman and this bond came to be known as "gann josin", but this did little to slow the process and Sersi eventually snapped completely. And it was later revealed that the mysterious character called Proctor, who was behind all this was none other than Dane Whitman. But this version of Dane Whitman was from an alternate Universe. He was rejected by his own Sersi and twisted by the gann josin and his Ebony Blade's curse, he now traveled the multiverse on a mission to kill the Sersi of every reality. How twisted is that!

But luckily, Sersi manages to kill him with his own Ebony Blade. But she is forced to leave the Marvel Universe in order to restore her mind. And Dane Whitman of this Universe goes with her. The pair were transported to the Ultraverse, where Black Knight became the leader of the superhero team called Ultraforce. He and Sersi briefly reunited to return to the Marvel Universe, but something went wrong along the way. Instead of returning to the Marvel universe's present, they ended up in the 12th century. But thanks to Sersi they managed to escape from this time period back into the present. But this escape game with a twist as Whitman and Sersi was somehow separated in transit, which destroyed their bond and Whitman found himself back in New York at the proper time, but Sersi was lost somewhere in the timestream. So again just like Jon Snow's character's ending in Game of Thrones.

Black Knight too doesn't get a happy ending. But as you can see, Black Knight had one hell of an adventure from being a normal physicist to a magic-wielding being hopping around the

Now let's talk about his powers and abilities for a minute. Whitman becomes the Black Knight, using Aragorn, which is basically a flying horse something like what Valkyrie uses in Avengers Endgame. He gets his sword called the Ebony Blade from the spirit of Sir Percy of Scandia. And while sharing the gann josin with Sersi, his strength, speed, and other physical abilities are somewhat enhanced. But when the link is broken, he returns to being a normal human being. But luckily in he carries few mystical artifacts with him like his mystical sword. Yeah, Ebony Blade does sound like Thanos's child Ebony Maw but one has nothing to do with the other. Other than the sword, he also carries mystical armor and shield.

And that's all you need to know about the Black Knight. So with this, we bring this article to an end. Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow and subscribe for more upcoming content. Watch the video by clicking below.


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